Jeffrey Mader Jeffrey Mader

Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF

We have a right to digital privacy and free speech! Join me in supporting @EFF this week and your donation gets an automatic 2x match.

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Jeffrey Mader Jeffrey Mader

Ted Talk on the Panama Papers

New Ted talk on the Panam Papers; it is a bit dry, but the story of how the Panama Papers were obtained, reviewed and reported on is very interesting.

Gerard also mentions briefly the open database the ICIJ has established that allows anyone to query the information obtained from the papers. Please visit their site for more inforation:

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Jeffrey Mader Jeffrey Mader

The Wire, Chasing the Paper Trail

“You follow drugs; you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don't know where it's gonna take you.” Detective Lester Freamon, The Wire. 

The Wire is one of the smartest televisions shows ever made! This is one of my favorite clips from the first season. Here, Lester is teaching the younger detectives the basics of what some of us call “obfuscation games”. Whether you call it obfuscation games, layering, or asset protection, Lester breaks down a basic form of using lawyers and shell corporations to conceal true ownership of property, and sources of funding. Lester then shows the young detectives how break through the corporate veil using old fashion public records and cross referencing.  

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Jeffrey Mader Jeffrey Mader

Unaiol Scandal

The Unaoil scandal has been out of the press for some time. I wanted to bring it back up as we begin to see overlap with the Panama Papers. Here's a solid article to get you caught up! 

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Jeffrey Mader Jeffrey Mader

Panama Papers - The Movie!!

According to Vanity Fair, Steven Soderbergh will be making a movie about the Panama Papers scandal!

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